Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas Photo

For our Christmas photo we poached the trees at the nice hotel on the sea wall.

Play Time with Grandparents

Grandpa catches me when I go down the slide (on my own!!)
Daddy crawls through the tubes with me.
Grandma goes down the slide with me:)

The Aquarium at Moody Gardens

I loved putting my face close up to the tank glass and watching the sea lions buzz by me - definitely my favorite.

Then we all got locked in the shark tank - look how excited dad is.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Cars and Blocks, Oh My!

It's Christmas morning at our house today:) Lucky us we will have another in Texas when we visit my Grandparents and other family tomorrow.
it's the bottomless stocking full of cars
mom wanted this one, a convertable mercedes... or the porsch cayenne
the best gift of all!

Play Time at the Park

With my buddy Bryce
come on up!
Zoom Zoom
Dancin' dancin'

The First Hair Cut...

I was a little unclear on this HAIR cut thing... don't they know I am not a Zed, I have more than one hair on my head!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

decorating the tree with a tree in elmo slippers


Cousin Laurel babysat Me while Mom and Dad went to a wedding at the Argent Hotel in San Francisco. We had a fun weekend in the city. Visitng lots of friends and going to Santa Cruz to visit lots of relatives - happy bday to cousin Hanna who was a success in the Nutcracker and yippee for cousin Emma who was gggreeat in Romeo and Juliet - whew, talented cousins! And congrats to Sheri and Roxy - what a beautiful wedding.
random photo. christmas lights! my favorite.

Bug People

Max admiring the view from the 27th floor. He loved it! During the day he sat on my lap pointing and saying "ba!" at everything. SO FUN!

Super Stretch Boy...

entertains himself on the long car ride home.
more pics to come...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

More Circus Tricks

Proud Pappa!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Max in the Circus...


Ta Da!

Your turn!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Picking the Tree

Max picked out the tree from the home depot tree farm...
Then he got busy helping with clean up - sweeping, of course
Fun stuff!